
Nexus3 Disaster Recovery (N3DR) is a tool that is capable of downloading all artifacts from a Nexus3 server and to migrate them to another one.

This project is maintained by 030




N3DR_CLEAN_IN_CASE_OF_SUCCESS_OR_FAILURE=false ./test/integration-tests.sh

Once Nexus had been started, download the swagger.json:

curl http://localhost:8081/service/rest/swagger.json -o \

Lookup the maven2.asset3 json snippet, septuple it and change it to: maven2.asset4, maven2.asset5, maven2.asset6, maven2.asset7, maven2.asset8, maven2.asset9 and maven2.asset10 respectively. After adding the seven snippets and renaming them, download go-swagger and generate internal go-swagger code:

export GITHUB_URL=https://github.com
export GS_URI=go-swagger/go-swagger/releases/download
export GS_VERSION=v0.30.4
export GS_URL=${GITHUB_URL}/${GS_URI}/${GS_VERSION}/swagger_linux_amd64
export GS_DIR=internal/app/n3dr/goswagger
curl -L \
  ${GS_URL} \
  -o swagger
chmod +x swagger
mkdir -p "${GS_DIR}"
./swagger generate client \
  --name=nexus3 \
  --spec configs/swagger/nexus3.json \
  --target="${GS_DIR}" \
  --skip-validation && \
go mod tidy && \
rm swagger*

Unit Tests

go test internal/artifacts/common.go internal/artifacts/common_test.go